The Doctrine of Justification

The Justification of the World

By Pastor Herman Amberg Preus

Translated by Pastor Herb Larson

Introduction by Pastor Rolf Preus

The Relationship between the Justification of the Sinner before God
And the Practice of Church Fellowship
By Pastor Rolf Preus

Called by the Gospel
by Pastor Rolf Preus

    The Centrality of the Central Article
             by Pastor Rolf Preus

What is the Gospel?  What Difference Does it Make?
by Pastor Rolf Preus

How do Christians Live with God?
In Freedom through Faith: Christological Foundation
by Rolf Preus

Luther Revisited: The Doctrine of Justification Is Still the Issue
by Rolf  D. Preus

The Doctrine of Justification in the Theology of Robert Preus  
by Rolf Preus

Do Lutherans and Roman Catholics Agree on Justification?  
by Rolf Preus

The Enduring Relevance of the Doctrine of Justification

by Rolf  D. Preus

The JDDJ Ten Years Later

by Rolf Preus


The Ministry

Does the Bible Teach a Limited Public use of the Keys and

Clarifying the Issues: A Response to President Moldstad and Professor Teigen
by Pastor Rolf Preus

The Old Ministry Debate in the Synods of the Synodical Conference
And in the ELS Today
by Rolf Preus 

Ministers: What is their job?  Who is their boss?  Why do we need them?  
by Pastor Rolf Preus 

The Teaching of the Synodical Conference on the Office of the Public Ministry 
by Pastor Rolf Preus   

The Office of Prophetess in the New Testament 
by Pastor Rolf Preus   

Did Jesus Institute the Pastoral Office?
by Pastor Rolf Preus

The Service of Women in and for the Church

by Pr. Rolf Preus

Confessional Lutheran Identity

On Incarnational Theology and High Church Pietism

by Pastor Rolf Preus

How to be a Confessional Lutheran Pastor in America Today
By Pastor Rolf Preus

The Legacy of Herman Amberg Preus
by Rolf D. Preus

Roman Catholicism or Evangelicalism:
Which Poses a Greater Challenge to Confessional Lutheranism Today?
by Rolf Preus

On Being a Confessing Church in a Pluralistic Culture

by Rolf Preus

Catholic, Protestant, and Lutheran

by Rolf Preus

Critical Events, Altar Calls, Conversion Experiences, and Other Ways to Avoid a Lifetime Committment to Jesus and His Word

by Rolf Preus

Missourians in Canada?

by Pr. Rolf Preus

How to be a Confessional Lutheran in a Heterodox World

by Pr. Rolf Preus



Historic Use of Laymen in the Divine Service

by Rolf Preus

Why Go to Church?
A Workshop on Lutheran Liturgy for Laypeople
by Rolf  D. Preus

Lutheran Worship Wars
National Conference on Worship, Music & the Arts
by Rolf D. Preus


by Rolf D. Preus



The Relationship between the Justification of the Sinner before God
And the Practice of Church Fellowship
By Pastor Rolf Preus

The Orthodox Lutheran Heritage of Confessional Fellowship:
What Does This Mean Today?
by Rolf D. Preus

Making a Clear Confession in Muddy Waters

by Pastor Rolf D. Preus

Bible Classes and Catechetical Studies

What is a Confessional Lutheran?

by Pastor Rolf Preus

Basic Catechesis on the Sixth Commandment

by Pastor Rolf Preus

Vocation of Christian Marriage and Family

by Pastor Rolf Preus

Church Fellowship and Closed Communion

by Pastor Rolf Preus


By Pastor Rolf D. Preus

Preserving a Christian Home

By Dorothy Preus

Christ and Creation

by Pastor Rolf Preus

Women Pastors

Bible class by Pr. Rolf Preus

And God Blessed Them

by Pastor Preus


Review of Power, Politics, and the Missouri Synod

Essays by the Rev. Dr. Professor Robert D. Preus

The Holy Scriptures

Luther and Biblical Infallibility

Biblical Authority in the Lutheran Confessions

The Doctrine of Revelation in Contemporary Theology

The Lutheran Confessions

Hermeneutics of the Lutheran Confessions and the Historical Critical Method

Can the Lutheran Confessions Have Any Meaning 450 Years Later?

Confessional Lutheranism in Today's World

Confessional Subscription

The Confessions and the Mission of the Church


Clergy Mental Health and the Doctrine of Justification

The Doctrine of Justification in the Theology of Classical Lutheran Orthodoxy

The Doctrine of Election as Taught by the Seventeenth Century Dogmaticians

The Doctrine of Justification and Reconciliation in the Theology of Karl Barth

Church and Ministry

The Basis for Concord

The Doctrine of the Call in the Confessions and Lutheran Orthodoxy


Current Theological Problems Which Confront Our Church

Christ for Us Home